
IoD Scotland – International Week 2017

During the week of October 9th, International Week will be held at our prestigious offices in Charlotte Square, Edinburgh. The week, held in partnership with Scottish Business Network, will comprise a celebration of Scotland’s International links and a sharing of information on how best Scottish companies can successfully win new business beyond the Scottish border.

Each day will focus on various countries promoting Scottish ties, understanding the business landscape and most importantly sharing opportunities. We will hear from world class Scottish business leaders sharing their own, invaluable, personal experience of what works and what to avoid when building an international business. Scottish Business Network will provide access to their members across the globe who have volunteered to provide assistance to attendees during the week.

This is the first year that International Week will be held in Scotland and we have attracted a range of leading Scottish business figures and successful international entrepreneurs.

Suhail speaking about developing an international business.


Dundee: Going Global

I’m visiting the city of Dundee, Scotland for the first time next week. Considering I’ve been in Scotland for almost seven years, it’s quite a shame it took me so long to break the Edinburgh-Livingston-Glasgow corridor to venture out to Dundee.

I’ll be kindly hosted by RBS and joining my Managing Partner Russell Dalgleish for a breakfast seminar on Tuesday, October 18th. I will particularly be sharing my journey from across the pond and offering valuable insights for Dundee business owners and entrepreneurs evaluating growth strategies beyond our borders.

Dundee is the home of the digital gaming industry in Scotland. No doubt when I think of the city, one of the first things that come to mind is the infamous Grand Theft Auto (GTA) video game. However, few people outside of Scotland realise Dundee is the home of the infamous game which kickstarted the genre of adult video games.

The city’s gaming industry is world class and has come a long way since DMA design developed the first version of GTA back in 1997. The latest game in the series, Grand Theft Auto V, sold more than 11 million copies in the first 24 hours generating £500m in turnover and is now the fourth highest-selling game of all time!

The success of GTA and Dundee’s gaming industry is a testament to the global potential of innovative products and solutions. I look forward to meeting with Dundee’s business leaders and sharing insights on how businesses from all sectors can go grow globally.

Seats are still available for Tuesday’s event so please join me, Russell, and RBS team including Simon Fraser and Emma Miller over coffee for three short presentations followed by Q&A discussion and networking.

Registration: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/rbs-driving-business-growth-to-create-value-tickets-27689215188