Strategy for AI technologies in UK

Scottish standards should interface with and influence UK and international data ethics frameworks, codes and standards. Businesses should put in place robust internal or external governance frameworks, codes of conduct, training, Key Performance Indicators, and active customer and social dialogue. Businesses should share and learn from best practice wherever it is to be found.

The cluster of Scottish data companies ScotlandIS is starting to develop will explore opportunities to support this. To instil good values in new tech companies in the key start up stages, Scottish tech incubators should consider common standards and shared resources.We believe that Scotland and the UK should continue to work closely with the EU, Norway and Switzerland on the Coordinated Plan on Artificial Intelligence. Scotland should also develop alliances with other small countries (e.g. Nordic-Baltic, Ireland etc) with shared goals and values. These partnerships could seek to increase the influence of the countries on tech and its global regulation, or offer attractive propositions for investment.

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Strategy for AI technologies in UK